Terms & Conditions:

Please read the terms written below. By using this site, you indicate that you accept these terms and that you agree to abide by them.


www.infinityaromatiqs.com is a site operated by Infinity Aromatiqs Ltd. We are a limited company registered in England and Wales under the registration number 12596548


All products are displayed as accurately as possible on this website. However, due to each product being individually handmade and made from natural ingredients, variations such as slight colour change may occur.
Since all products are handmade in small batches, there may be a time when inventory runs out and products are not available to purchase. We endeavor to prevent this from happening but please do send an
email to sales@IA.com with your requested product and we will be able to provide updates.


We accept all major payment types including credit/debit cards. You have the option to select your preferred payment method at the checkout.


For our latest delivery methods and costs, please see our Shipping page.


We offer a 14 day return period for all products unopened and unused. We also aim to provide our customers with the satisfaction and service we’d expect ourselves.


The materials contained on our site are provided for general information purposes only and do not claim to be or constitute legal or other professional advice and shall not be relied upon as such. We do not accept any responsibility for any loss which may arise from accessing or reliance on the information on this site and to the fullest extent permitted by English law, we exclude all liability for loss or damages direct or indirect arising from use of this site.


When Infinity Aromatiqs receives any personal information through the “Contact Us” form, we will not use the information for any other purpose except to respond to queries from the customer. Customer information is only gathered when an order is placed and Infinity Aromatiqs only uses this information internally in order to make a delivery. After an order is placed, we add your details to our database, and may send the occasional newsletter. We do not store credit or debit card numbers. Customers will also be sent promotional offers and discounts if they directly sign up for through our newsletter form or promotional offer popup


We use Google Analytics to analyse the use of our web site. This is a service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. The data contained in these cookies used is anonymous, and does not identify who you are.

You can opt-out of this by installing the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on at https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout


How we use cookies:

Cookies are small packs of data sent from a website and stored on the user’s computer by the user’s web browser while the user is browsing a website.

You can opt-out of this by installing the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on at https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout

We use:

Session Cookies

These cookies allow you to navigate our site and add items to the basket.

Analytical Cookies

These cookies allow us analyse how you, the customer, uses the site, so that we can improve the experience.