
The Crown Chakra

The seventh & final chakra! Known as #Sahasraha in Sanskrit, translating to “thousand petal lotus”.

Colour association: white/violet

The #crownchakra is considered the centre of our #enlightenment – the spiritual connection with our higher selves, the universe & divinity. As this chakra opens and aligns, a sense of unity with everyone and thing is experienced – immersed in peace, understanding & joy.

Physically, due to its location, this chakra is closely associated with the brain and central nervous system. Energetically, the crown chakra is closely associated with the first chakra – the Root, due to their extreme positions in the chakra system. Understanding their individual functions provide further justification for this connection.

Consciousness, realisation and the awareness of the potential of transcendence from our limitations are all elements of understanding that come from the alignment and opening of our crown chakra. It also allows for clarity and enlightened wisdom, a connection to the infinite, universal consciousness.

An unbalanced crown chakra can manifest as a sense of disconnect form the spirit self, or on the other hand, disconnect from the physical body. A lack of direction, ability to set or maintain goals, insomnia, nerve pain, and neurological disorders are all symptoms of a blockage of the crown chakra. A lack of alignment here will result in balance of the other chakras too.

Chakra opening, alignment and re-balancing:
Meditation, colour association, reiki treatments, directing energy where balance is needed, crystal healing, regular yoga practice (esp. Correct use of breath & time in savasana). Regular participation in spiritual practice is essential. Choose love over ego.

When our third eye is imbalanced, it often manifests as insomnia or jet lag type symptoms. The inability to set goals and achieve them, lack of clarity and being unable to work beyond your problems are also signs of imbalance.
If the lower chakras are imbalanced, then it is likely that the third eye will also be.
Physically, imbalance in the third eye chakra can manifest as headaches, sinus and visual problems.

When our third eye is imbalanced, it often manifests as insomnia or jet lag type symptoms. The inability to set goals and achieve them, lack of clarity and being unable to work beyond your problems are also signs of imbalance.
If the lower chakras are imbalanced, then it is likely that the third eye will also be.
Physically, imbalance in the third eye chakra can manifest as headaches, sinus and visual problems.

When balanced, it is truly a beautiful experience. You feel in tune with the physical and psychic realms – you are able to perceive and interpret messages outside of the five senses. Activation of the third eye allows you to open up to an intuitive sensibility & inner perception.
Activation of the third eye chakra takes dedicated practice. Meditation is a great tool for this. Whichever method you use, meditation helps to bring focus and clarity, and encourages theta brainwaves which foster frontal lobe activity and prepare your third eye and brain to be more receptive. Eating indigo foods and certain yoga poses such as child pose are also third eye activators.

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