
The Root Chakra

The first of the main seven chakras is the Root chakra,or Muladhara in Sanskrit.

Colour association: RED.

The first of the main seven chakras is the Root chakra,or Muladhara in Sanskrit The root chakra is located at the base of the spine, around the groin area and it’s role is connection to Mother Earth, or the concept of grounding. Consider this chakra your base, the foundation of body, mind and spirit.

This is better understood when we break down the Sanskrit translation: Mula meaning root, Dhara meaning support.

The root chakra is literally your personal spiritual backbone and security centre. Blockages can result in physical dis-ease, including lower spine, leg or feet problems and anxiety.

Root chakra affirmations:

∞ I am safe
∞ I am grounded and connected with the divine energy of Mother Earth
∞ I am abundant.

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